Profile for a program, which would make possible the
intense participation of a very large number of citizens in a process of
developing solutions in a political, social or other context.
To be used for:
Design and
development of political programs and statutes. Design of proposals for
constitutions, for instance of the EU, and referenda of any kind.
- It should be possible to give
ones own suggestion to any topic with only one command by mouse or
keyboard. This could happen through modifying an existing article; the
result has to be published in a moment.
- Among all published suggestions
the registered users should vote for the one they consider to be most
probably solving the certain problem which is the topic of the text.
Citizens need to identify themselves to become registered users.
- Every user has one vote on a
certain topic, for instance “health care concepts”. Everybody may only
register for one account and all measures have to be taken to avoid abuse.
- Every user may change his vote
on a certain topic to another suggestion that he considers more recent and
- Suggestions that get the major
part of the votes at a certain moment are considered to be the proposal to
a party assembly or to another organisation they are dealing with. If a
political party accepts this concepts it will treat the results as regular
proposals to the main assembly.
- The structure of the whole
text, which could be a proposal for a parties’ program or statutes, should
be determined by the total number of the registered users which means that
to add new topics or to reject existing ones needs the majority of their
votes. To divide existing topics into two or more or vice versa to sum up
two or more topics into one the users active in those topics decide.
- As active users we define those
who have voted within a period which has to be fixed in the rules of the
program, for example within the recent 10 days. It is only meant as a sign
of activity is possible to only confirm the already taken decision to
restart the prescribed period. This distinction is necessary for the
voting process on certain topics, users will only be asked to give their
vote on questions covering topics they are active on. Users are allowed to
be active on as many topics they want to be.
- Any suggestion could be
rejected by the author themselves at any time. The author may attach any
kind of comment to their text but the most outstanding reasons should be
in the suggestion itself. In opposition to the proposal itself the comment
could be reedited by the author without making it a new article which
would automatically start with no votes on it.
- Also for every subject there
should be a forum to discuss the given suggestions, problems of the topic
or the structure of the whole text.
- Registered users shall have the
possibility to give personal information on their own site. They should be
able to seal their contributions with the aim to distinguish them,
suggestions can always be made anonymously.
- It has to be possible to sort
all articles (suggestions) according to the following criteria: number of
votes (standard), date of contribution, author, topic, …etc. There shall
be a search function and a function to suppress articles like: show only
articles by a certain author, only those marked by registered authors,
only anonymous authors, to a certain topic, from certain time period, with
a certain number of votes, all articles I’m voting for (if logged in and
registered user) …etc.
- Suggestions that do not get a
single vote will be deleted after a time period fixed by the rules of the
program. Suggestions that don’t get a single vote but are marked by at
least three registered users as being either not serious and constructive
or violating law are deleted in an instant. Suggestions that get at least
one vote will be deleted if marked by the majority of the active users to
be a non-constructive contribution.
- Users whose suggestions were
deleted for three times according to the described rules shall be banned
and thus lose their right to vote and their personal site for a time
period that has to be decided on in the rules of the program.
- One day it may be possible to
rule with the help such a programme a whole country. Today it might be
possible to support not only the developing of solutions but also concrete
and complex referenda if it would be possible to print out the proposals
one votes for and let them send it by ordinary mail together with
confirmation to be member of the certain organisation.
- The whole system has to be
shielded against all kind of contribution by robots to be safe from
- This program should itself be
improved in the same permanent process of discussion and voting as lined
out above.
Eric Manneschmidt, 24 of January 2006, Bochum, Germany